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Quality Management System PF PLASTY CZ s.r.o. is in accordance with the requirements of IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 9001:2015 standards for quality assurance in the automotive industry. Policy and quality objectives of the company are set to meet the requirements and expectations of our customers, ensuring the required quality of products and services with the aim of minimizing the negative impacts on the environment.

The quality system of the company is reviewed by internal quality audits and the results are presented to interested parties. High quality is ensured by running the following steps:

Inspection and measurements

Incoming materials inspection 
Tests are made on these measuring and testing equipments:

  • FM 100 - a testing machine for determination of plastic resistance
  • CHARPY - an impact testing machine
  • VAMET VMP 201 - a discharged plastic gauge
  • Vicata - a thermal resistance measurement machine

Incoming inspection of supplied parts

Process controls of plastic parts, mounted units and tools

Output product inspection 

The measurement is made with common gauges (digital beam callipers, micrometers, diatests), digital altimeters, profileprojectors, microscopes (for tiny parts checking), 3D coordinates measuring machine DEA Mistral 10.07.05 with PC DIMIS software and 3D coordinates measuring machine XYZ 464 PC - SOMET with Topmes 3D software and Power Inspect software, which deals with comparison of general surfaces. A spectrophotometer ColorEye XTH is designated for colour shades measurement. We also make a triaxial measurement with test certificates. In addition, we are equipped durometer rubber Hardmatic, load cell SH 500 and roughness Mitutoyo SJ-201 P.

In year 2012 the company expanded the possibilities of optical control of reflectivity using the DBM REFLEX PHOTOMETER.

In year 2018 the company measuring department was reinforced with the 3D  optical projection unit of the Atos III Triple scan system based on Blue  Light Technology. The unit is equipped with two 8MPx GigE CCD  cameras with definition of 3296 x 2472 pixels. We are able to measure in  3 volumes: 700 x 530 mm2, 320 x 240 mm2 a 100 x 75 mm2.

During the projection and development we use following planning methods and quality assurance: APQP, PPAP, FMEA tool construction, FMEA process, MSA methods, control plans, including tool capability.

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